Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wii is Fit!

I love my Wii Fit… I love the interaction of the little Mii with the physical challenges. I like trying to get a little better each time. The different groupings of exercises…balance, aerobics, yoga, strength allow variety.

I love using the Free Step in the aerobics section in the morning while I am watching the morning news and then sometimes at night watching TV. The Free step is appealing because I can do it watching TV and it honestly passes with me barely noticing,

But… I have fallen into a rut…I need a Wii fit buddy with whom to have challenges. Are you using your Wii Fit? I could use some challengers to keep me pushing myself more. Perhaps it is just more fun to think there is someone I have to beat – lol. J likes it as well, but somehow trying to compete with a 7 yr old…well, let’s just say, I am competitive but I am not stupid.

I finally have gotten past level 7 on the marble game, but level 8 has a b’jillion marbles rolling around…I think it is called Table Tilt in the balance section. I can also do 1000 steps in 10 minutes on the Free Step.

I don’t know my hula numbers and my guess is any two people will have different things they like or excel at. That’s why I need a challenge buddy…to push me out of my comfort range and doing some new things.

I think I got 100 (that is a percentage score, not a count) on the jackknife strength exercise…I think anyone would, as I certainly know that is not something I excel at…

It would be more fun, though, to have a Wii Fit buddy…someone for exchanging challenges and comparing high scores.

I know I have at least two followers with a Wii…have you a Wii Fit? What is your high hula-hoop score? Table Tilt? I have finally reached the same level on Table Tilt that my 18 year old nephew had in his first attempt at Christmastime…and I had to try several time over a couple of weeks to get there...

Photo 57 - Day 71 Not high quality photography today, to be sure,but it is hard to take pictures while doing the challenges so you don't lose the images!