Sunday, February 1, 2009

Business Ethics....

I think that people should take an oath for their job...something about the level of ethics and responsibility they owe their clients. Most especially on my mind right now are the people who make and sell paint. Why do they make colors that have no business being in your rooms at home? And why doesn't the person mixing politely say - no one would like this color on walls, ma'am, perhaps you should come back when you are sober?

Instead, because of these lacking ethics, we have one ORANGE bathroom. Not orange, like I wanted, that would gently compliment the giant poppy shower curtain. I have ORANGE that LOVES giant's screaming to be a GIANT POPPY.

7 yr old J wants to paint her room to have blue walls with red and yellow flames and black and purple robots but the ORANGE bathroom is too much for her.

New plan to tone it down, so in a few weeks you may see ORANGE and orange unplugged but for today you see the first of the painters to crash after a long hard day of painting.

Photo 12 - Day 32