Friday, January 23, 2009

What’s all the 365 talk???

Poking around on a few blogs of e-friends, I see a common theme – 365. Doesn’t take a large intellect to determine there is something brewing about everyday in 2009. Now, if we recall, my 2009 resolution was ‘no new projects’ so it can’t possibly be something that I will be getting involved in. Still, intriguing…

Something everyday…I smile to myself as I recall the New Year’s Resolution Ross Geller (Friends) had one year of trying one new thing every day. The ‘new thing’ leather pants did not work out well at all, as he found himself trying to get them back onto sweaty legs with both baby powder and lotion….but, I digress

Not really being a part of this 365 thing, I’ll just draw my own conclusions and make up the rest in my head – that can’t possibly get me in trouble. It’s about photos…a picture a day. Jan is one of the participants in the 365 circle and I love seeing her photos and reading her musings regularly. So…I am jumping on board – late – but jumping on board. Certainly a photo a day can’t be that hard to manage, although I am already 22 behind so mine will need to be a little accelerated.

As to my personal resolution of 365 days of no new projects…well, this isn’t really a new project is it? I said I wouldn’t start a new project…no new blog…I already have a camera…I won’t be buying anything new or starting anything new just to photograph something…I think I am clear to proceed…

Number 1 on Day 23…the happy birthday balloon that S got on the 10th and that I keep retrieving from the cathedral ceiling over the stove...