When S had her gymnastics showcase, J was scheduled to have her orange belt testing at the same time about 20 minutes away. It couldn't happen. Today was the makeup test.
When I first got there I thought this makeup test was great...not near as many people, easier to see...
Then he said testing would last about 2 1/2 hours. I know it hasn't lasted that long in the past...he would say that the kids had already passed the testing and that 'gathering' was to show their parents what they could do. Not so today.
The short version of the story is about 2 hours of karate style calisthenics, repetitive kicks and punches - 50 reps on each for orange belts - and then forms and board busting. We were also there for the grueling sparring that the brown belt candidates went through. Watching people who have been working out for 2 hours get pummeled was not that fun...
Here's my gold belt girl doing her testing and my new orange belt with her karate master - he told me he was so proud of her.

congratulations J. That is quite an accomplishment.
YEA, J!!! We are so proud of you.
xo - M, A & L
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