S had to get rid of a tangle in her hair and she certainly managed to do that:
(not a great image-I had to use my phone)

And here she is with her new 'do':

The world of a single mom and her two polar opposite daughters as they trudge through life watching what crosses their path and enjoying the ride.
Posted by Elaina at 9:49 PM
EEK! She really did a number on her head, didn't she LOL! I somehow was lucky enough to haev missed the self-administered haircut. It looks adorable short, though!
WOW, E! She did as well as Sarah did when she cute her hair! Check out hers: http://sarahs-adventures.blogspot.com/2008/01/omgosh-you-cut-your-hair-argh.html
It looks cute short now, though! Even after Sarah's self haircut, it looked ridiculous for MONTHS! It's just now completely grown out! 18 mos later!
OMG!! Lucky she didn't hurt herself. The new 'do is very adorable.
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