Tonight was the big moment...S graduated from PreK. The kids worked so hard (and the teachers even harder) on a really nice program with 7 or 8 songs/skits. They had props, movement around the stage, showing off their phonics knowledge...a lovely slide show recapping the year. All around it was a great show.
Then came the big moment of the kids in their caps and gowns getting diplomas. I had the camcorder so J took the photos. We have several not good at all but I think she did the actual graduation shot very well!
AND to make this a perfect S moment...right after graduation when I got up to the stage the first words out of my little graduate's mouth..."Sky had the same dress on as me". (adding insult to injury as she had wanted to wear one of her halter dresses and I insisted on a different one).
Here are a few pictures...

Sorry sorry to have missed Miss S's graduation. She looks so grown up.
Congratulations S!!!!
M, A & L
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