...for two out of three of us anyway.
Today's picture is of the ever yummy sloppy joe bake-recipe from Michele...and maybe the Pillsbury bake-off people.
First, you may notice that the top crust is a little 'scrappy' looking, that comes from my never ending knack for grabbing the wrong tube of crescent rolls...better than what I did for the savory chicken squares the last time, though...that time a grabbed the giant sheet of crescent roll dough.
Sloppy Joe Bake
2 tubes of Pillsbury 8 count crescent rolls (I bought the 6 giant rolls size)
1 pound ground beef
1 can sloppy joe stuff
shredded cheddar cheese
Open one can of the rolls and press into a single bottom layer on a cookie sheet
(here is where the roll of crescent dough would have worked well). Bake at 375 degrees for about 12 minutes until they are golden and pretty. Brown the ground beef and then add the can of sloppy joe stuff...simmer until thickened. Pour the sloppy joe mixture over the baked crescents stopping short of the edges, sprinkle the shredded cheese on top. Open the second roll of crescent rolls (whatever variety you happened to have grabbed) and make the top. Press along the edges and any seams to keep the glop in while it is baking. Bake anywhere from 5-12 minutes until golden and pretty.

Photo 39 - Day 50
Did you previously put the recipe for the savory chicken squares on the site? Could you post them?
Maybe they would work for a picky eater here.
I added the link to the writeup, here it is: http://www.pillsbury.com/Recipes/ShowRecipe.aspx?rid=12362
I don't put any 'stuff' on the top of mine, just the pastry itself when it goes to the plate.
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