Monday, February 23, 2009

Extreme Makeover - Home edition!

Today's picture is not one that I took - it is compliments of Here we have an old friend from my pre-kids days walking away from her home for the last time.

The Extreme Team is in Tallahassee and has selected a family from my first DTC group! DTC is Dossier (adoption paperwork) to China, and the groups were Yahoo! e-groups that formed during the wait, to share the waiting and make new friends.

It’s hard to explain why it happens but often there are lasting friendships made just through the keyboard. I have met up with some e-friends in China, in North Carolina and even at Disney World…more than once.

Barbara Kadzis is one of my fond memories from March 2001 DTC. She was using the same adoption agency as I was, so there was a chance that we would end up traveling together. I was hoping we would – she was bright, lively, upbeat and ‘fun’.

During the then 13 month wait Barb and (husband) George opted to go with the Special Needs program and adopted a cleft affected child, Phoenix. That would mean her schedule would be different than ours and we would not be going to China together. Since then they have also adopted Celeste, Julia, Aileen, Melody and Martin (all from China). They also have a bio son Chris still at home. Their (at home) kids' range from about 6-16. I was so very excited to hear they were selected as a makeover recipient in Extreme’s Everyday Heroes theme.
Good for them, also, as their home had sustained some hurricane damage. Unfortunately, the hurricane damage is not the only challenge at home. George has an aggressive brain cancer and was admitted to the hospital last Thursday-Friday morning the knock came to the family's door that they had been selected for the home makeover. What a rollercoaster of emotions for this family.

I look forward to watching one of 'our' families on the show and was happy to see Chinese dragons and lions dancing for the demolition scene-apparently fireworks too, from what I read at the Tallahassee website.You can see a short interview with Barbara here - please keep George in your prayers... and I’ll be posting about it again when airtime

Photo 43 - Day 54


Jan J. said...

This is so sad and so exciting for this family. I am so glad a China family will be on the show - I have daydreamed about US being on there! I have been wondering how the dad is doing. I hope he gets to go home to this house.

Sarah's proud Mama said...

E-if you find out when it's going to air, let us know!! I don't want to miss this one!