This is a picture of our friend L (closest to the camera) intently listening to the instructions for her elementary school Black History Bowl (note the buzzers). L was one of 6 first graders chosen to participate in the contest and we are SO proud of her. L’s favorite things to do are often quiet/private things like reading and her art (you remember the pink ballerina she made S), so to see her stretch herself like this and dive into a competitive front is all the more exciting.
One of my dear friends from several years ago, Sissi, used to do things all the time that she wasn’t comfortable doing (like when she did the TV spots for the Humane Society animals)...she thought it stretched her as a person. I loved doing those spots and on things I wasn’t as comfortable doing, I thought things like " I am a grown up and I don't have to do what I don't want." I SO admired that trait in Sissi. And I have seen it in L as well – holding giant snakes and enormous macaws when my kids wouldn’t venture a touch, and now I have seen a ‘not yearning for the spotlight’ child be a star in the history bowl! Yay L! This was an excellent opportunity for L to stretch and I am so proud of her!!
I showed J this pic last night. She was aware of L’s involvement with the Bowl and had been making a list of possible bowl questions. When she saw that picture, she got serious buzzer envy…A light bulb went on and she said, “I am going to write a persuasive letter to the principals and tell them we need a history bowl. "
So, at what was supposed to be bedtime – but how do you stop passion??? – J was busily writing a letter to the principal and the assistants about wanting a history bowl, how it should be done for ALL the grades K-5, how it would make kids really want to learn more history, and what school (L’s) already did a bowl so they could call and get help on how to set it up. I should have kept a copy of that note… Only thing left to wonder is whether she wants to be on a panel, be writing the questions, or be the moderator.
Photo 45 - Day some catching up to do....
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by Elaina at 10:44 AM
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