Not my disaster, mind you, this is the title of J's essay that just won the 2nd grade's representation in her elementary school's Writer's Hall of Fame.
The Zoo Disaster
by J
Tomorrow we are going to a field trip to the zoo. So, me and my class tried to make this day go fast. Today we're going to the zoo. We got stuck in the lion's cage. Tion, the lion, tried to eat us. Luckily Ms. McClendon had her cellphone. She tried to call the zoo police, but we were too late, the lion ate Ms. McClendon's cell phone and then burped. We all ran corner to corner, but suddenly Tion's ("King of the Jungle") wife came out, and she hadn't eaten for six weeks. She pictured us as yummy delicious steaks. We tried to get out, but we couldn't. The police came over and asked, "How did you get into the lion's cage?" We saide, "We wanted a closer look, so we fell in. Ms McClendon just tried to help and she fell in too." The police got us out, but when he opened the cage so we could get out, he got eaten and we got ran over. The whole entire zoo was in peril. The lions became the rulers of the entire zoo. Nobody liked how they ruled. They ate all the zebras, beat up the giraffes, and treated the people like savages. Somebody finally called animal control. We finally went home.
The End
What a hoot! I snorted my tea on that one - very imaginative girl you have there LOL!
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