Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I LOVE a Food Drive!

Second grader J came home from school today with her normal weekly newsletter. As is frequently seen this time of year, there was a blurb about their annual food drive. I had recently rearranged some cabinets and I had found some things I knew we would not use that I set aside to donate.

As I am bagging up the whole wheat pasta (too sweet), the B&B pickles (that isn't the right kind...) and a couple of other items, I start to tell J that I want her to take this to school, "J, your school is having a food drive-"

"Great!!! I LOVE a food drive! Last year La's mom sent six packages of noodles and I got them all!"

??!!! I flashed back to a year ago when J came home with noodles saying that La had given them to her..."because I love them and her mom didn't want them"

I explained what a food drive really was and in her trademark J response, the head bobs and I hear the "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

....I guess I owe the food drive 6 extra packages of noodles.


MRH said...

I am STILL laughing!! Great, great J story.