Sunday, May 17, 2009

Present Yourself!

It has been a very busy week for S. After graduation on Thursday night she then had a Saturday morning gymnastics showcase. She is the youngest in her Level 1 gymnastics class and has struggled with a few things...basically whatever requires momentum. She is best at the beam as that is where s-l-o-w works to her benefit. She also enjoyed the 'present yourself' step that comes before and after everything.

The competitive groups are very small to keep positive reinforcement at a maximum. Everyone got a medal and S managed to get first on beam. She was 2nd on vault and 3rd on floor. J says she was second on uneven parallel bars and S said she was third. (I think 2nd but then, I was busy taking pictures...) I'll have to get that clarified.

Photo rules were you could take what you wanted but couldn't leave your seat...a very good rule and an interesting vantage point.


Floor is S's weakest...J's advice to me: Take the photo right before she does her backward straddle roll and it will look like she is going to (be able to) do it.

We went with a 'present yourself'.


Aunt S said...

S- You are in very good form in the pictures. I am happy you are enjoying yourself. AS