Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Museum Experience

My kids both went on a field trip this week to the Martin Luther King Jr Museum…they both went to the same place but they went in different groups/different days because of how daycare splits them up and they went on VERY different outings…

J: S, how did you like the museum?
S: Boring…a museum – just stuff to look at…
J: I know, but for the historic part, how did you like it?
S: Everything was really gray
J: But is was so historic! The gravestone that said Free at Last…the white man who marched with them and got beat up…what did you think of all that?
S: All you did was walk…there wasn’t even anything we got to buy!
J: Lacey took money and she bought a water bottle… (at this point J realized she couldn’t pull S into her experience so she crossed over to S’s…)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

S Coordinates Fabric

Today we went to a nearby quilt shop hunting a fabric that I need a 2 1/2" strip of to make the current 'design wall' quilt a size that better shows off the pattern...we didn't find it but the girls each picked out fabric for new pillowcases -just for them.

J picked out Basketball Players and Basketball trim - not surprising as we are a mere week away from the oh-so-anticipated basketball camp. We got enough fabric to make one case for J and one for her friend T who she'll be accompanying to the camp.

The bigger surprise was S. S zeroed in on a fabric that had lots of teeny tiny squares in appealing colors and then started pointing at bolts to pull off and lay next to her chosen fabric as she matched colors. (She laid them on the floor which made me cringe but the shop owner just laughed at how the 5 year old found a way to get the bird's eye view she needed.) None of the fabrics she selected were from the same line or even same manufacturer...she truly coordinated them! Topped it off with an accent from my stash and below you see a (blurry) pillowcase totally designed by my little fashion diva...and her tomboy sister's one too, of course.

I have said for a while that S was born for fashion design and today was another step in that direction.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pillowcases for smiles...

For a little over a year, I have been involved with ConKerr Cancer...A case for smiles.

Born from a mom of a cancer stricken teen, this organization blew into national recognition through Martha Stewart's show recognizing Cindy Kerr for her efforts. After cheering up her son's hospital room with new pillowcases whenever he went into the hospital, Cindy expanded to the ward...other wards...recruited helpers...expanded to other hospitals...and now, with (at least) 83 chapters in the US, Canada and South Africa, kids everywhere are getting a little bit of fun and color added to their hospital rooms. I think everyone can be cheered with a personality filled colorful pillowcase when they are feeling crappy and I love the novelty fabrics so this charity effort is tailor made for me.
You can find a local chapter to support or our own Georgia chapter if you like...

I made a few more cases this week (seen above) and here is my fabric update...

as of June 7 :

Fabric usage goal – 66.66
Fabric Added This Week – 4 yards (YIKES!) border fabric on project and 1/2 price irrestible kid wizard fabric for pillowcases.
Fabric Added May 2009 to Date – 6.83 yards
Fabric Used This Week – 10.69 yards
Fabric Used May 2009 to Date – 31.44 yards
Net Usage - 24.61
Left on goal - 42.05 (about 6 yds each month...)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What, I wasn't going to notice?

S had to get rid of a tangle in her hair and she certainly managed to do that:
(not a great image-I had to use my phone)

And here she is with her new 'do':