What can make a person who is so positively obsessive/compulsive about finishing books or jigsaw puzzles that she will put off going to bed for HOURS not apply the same tendencies to quilt tops? I think I am suffering by UFOS (UnFinished Object Syndrome) I am pretty sure it is a form of ADD, I just can’t figure out what will cure it. Quilts get started and then new quilts get started leaving me with more than a few “in progress” quilts - or as we like to call them unfinished objects (UFOs).
So here I sit, surrounded by quilt tops in various stages of doneness. Why would I want to start start new things with other things on my design wall? It’s the UFOS.
Now if this syndrome wasn’t enough, it is complicated by fabricoholism…an unnatural attraction to, and need for, fabric…of course, not just any fabric - it has to be quilt shop quality, most often from my favorite LQS (local quilt shop)! The colors, the patterns, the lines of coordinating prints…the prints that weren’t planned as coordinates but work perfectly together. And you can’t just get the fabric, you need to go home and get started to see how it will be looking…add a brand new WIP (work in progress) to the UFOs…
Near as I can figure, the issue here is that I lack the capability of truly finishing a project. I can finish the top of a quilt but since I don’t have a Gammill, Handiquilter or anything similar, I can’t finish the entire project. SO…that means to break my habit of being satisfied to not finish a top, I should buy an expensive solution. YES! Throw money at it! That resolves a problem! Now I’m just waiting for someone to throw money at me so I’ll have it to throw back into the quilting economy.
Here is a picture of my design wall…next quilting photo needs to show something that is a top done! Or Back from the quilter and Binding on! Unless, of course, that doesn’t happen before shop hop as that is prime fabric collecting time from multiple shops!! Then I can add PIGS to my WIPS and UFOs. A PIG? Project in grocery sack!
Yep – UFOS is definitely related to ADD…

Too funny, I think I have UFOS as well, or at least a mild case of UFO-ADD!
I've taken to listing my UFOs once a month or so on my blog just to keep track, or maybe just to drive my self crazy who knows!
Hmm I think I suffer from the same syndrome but I have had years of practice in disciplining my ADD because I am also OCD so I must have neat,tidy & tasks done!
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