Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here Wii are!

Taking a picture for a blog each day becomes more challenging as the weekend is over. We just don't do that much - get up, get ready, school/work, come home, eat dinner and kids off to bed...

Today I thought I would photograph the Miis we made for ourselves on the Wii. Check this out - in the first picture my Mii BLINKED!

Here we are as we really look on the Wii...Mom, J and S

We are enjoying the Wii. Unlike when J hibernates with the DS, the Wii invites interaction - sometimes gloating - and some movement. Last night we managed a tennis tournament (mom won), a boxing match (mom won), bowling (J won) and Dancing with the Stars - S's game of choice for sure!

Boxing is the hardest for me - having to punch one of my kid's Mii until they are knocked out...it's just too weird. But watching the kids box - that is a photo for another day as one wears her UofM warm up suit and one wears a princess costume complete with tiara and pearls!

Photo 6 - day 27