Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The art show!

Right before spring break J announced that her art project had been selected to be in the art show. She didn't know what that meant or where it was just that she was the only one in her class that they had called her teacher about.

Today she came home with a paper I had to sign...up to 2 children in grades K-2 from each school could be entered in the show and J was selected - her medium crayon and her subject an alien...how I wish I had seen the picture.

The details are confusing, what I signed looks like permission to compete in the county competition but she thinks she must first compete against her friend C...the one that edged her out in the spelling bee.

Whichever, it is big stuff to me that my child was selected in anything art...I missed that line when ablities were handed out.
Update: J's art teacher just called me for permission and she was asked to submit 2 pieces from the 400+ students in grades K-2...so quite the honor!


Sheri said...

Whoo-hooo!! Way to go, J!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

Jan J. said...

That is awesome J! I wish you had a copy of the art! What an honor!

MRH said...

Hooray J!!!
xoxo M, A & L