Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The art show!

Right before spring break J announced that her art project had been selected to be in the art show. She didn't know what that meant or where it was just that she was the only one in her class that they had called her teacher about.

Today she came home with a paper I had to sign...up to 2 children in grades K-2 from each school could be entered in the show and J was selected - her medium crayon and her subject an alien...how I wish I had seen the picture.

The details are confusing, what I signed looks like permission to compete in the county competition but she thinks she must first compete against her friend C...the one that edged her out in the spelling bee.

Whichever, it is big stuff to me that my child was selected in anything art...I missed that line when ablities were handed out.
Update: J's art teacher just called me for permission and she was asked to submit 2 pieces from the 400+ students in grades K-2...so quite the honor!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Snapshot Sunday

Ready for the egg hunt at Grandmommy's.

Playing Bubbles with Granmmalu's new pup

Bunny cakes from J&S - we made 24...one of those ideas that you have second thoughts about...but overall quite cute.

Happy Easter

from Anzio...

Friday, April 10, 2009

It's this Sunday

On Easter evening on ABC is the airing of the Extreme Makeover home edition show where the Kadzis family in Florida gets their new home. It is set up as a two hour show so I hope that means we see M from J's travel group as I know she was around for some of the filming.

You'll see Chinese dragons and fireworks, a gorgeous house and a wonderful family...I am looking forward to it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's all how you spin it...

J loves treasure maps…she has a soft leather map that came with her cowboy costume that she pulls out from time to time. This past weekend she decided to recreate the map in our home for S and I to follow. She found the different landmarks on the map and made them within the house. We had to find the landmarks. There was a rock, a pond (to her credit, the pond was represented by an empty water cup) and the treasure of course.

After this exercise I offered to make a treasure hunt for the girls. I made them each a list – S doesn’t read yet so hers had pictures – and the winner would be the one that returned the most stuff to the designated spots in the living room.

I carefully walked through the house identifying certain things for the list…I presented the list and explained the rules. All the items would be found outside of the spot where they were normally stored, so if it was a hairbow you couldn’t get it from S’s basket of hair accessories, if it was a shoe you couldn’t get it from the closet.

The timer was set and they were off….odds and ends were quickly piling up in the living room…a tennis shoe, hairbows, a homeless sock…At the end of the contest J won with the most items collected. I picked up the shoes and said “I’ll take these to the closet, J put the socks in the laundry and S put the hairbows in your room”, to which J replied, “Hey – we just cleaned! I’ll always clean like this!!!”

Score one for mom.