Off first thing this morning for High School Musical 3 - the long awaited theater finale of the High School Musical series. We enjoyed the movie and the images popped off the screen. The favorite parts? hmmmm....true to form J picked the number with Troy and Chad dancing around a salvage yard in The Boys Are Back ...
...and my little diva S picked the "I Want It All" number...A good time was had by all at the movie and then it was on for something that could top a movie musical...a new puppy! Not ours - we have a friend that raises puppies for Canine Companions for Independence and little Anzio came to Vicki a couple of weeks ago. A cute boy and here he is so happy to have two little girls fussing over him. ok - he doesn't really look that happy but when he wasn't restrained for a photo he was happier. He'll stay with Vicki until he is about 15 months old and then go on to doggie college in Orlando...if all that goes well he'll be graduating as a service dog. You can watch him grow on
We are still wading through pictures and recovering from post-Disney-vacation-lag...but will try and add some of those pics soon.
Postcrossing update - Sent to Washington State, Florida, and two to Finland; received from SanFrancisco, Anaheim, Finland and Paris...and from friends in Greece, Italy and Siesta Key!